EC-HZL Ultramagic N-180
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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 13-10-2015.
EC-HZL, Ultramagic N-180, built 2002, 380 flights, 439 hrs. Middle section rebuilt, hyperlast fabric, 3 hrs since. Fast deflation system, turning vents. Flown with maximum 8 passengers. Ultramagic C5 basket (2.20m x 1.40m, with green leather top rim, side wall padding. Ultramagic MK10 triple burner, REGO fittings. 2x Ultramagic M30 cylinders, 1x Ultramagic M20. PRV/PPT/INT valid until 09/2024. 8.0 HP inflation fan, trailer.
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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 13-10-2015.